Category Archives: English

GDPR Craziness / DSGVO Irrsinn

Today I decided to make this website „GDPR compliant“. No more Cookies, Google Analytics, personal data processing, and log files. Not sure if that will protect me from potential legal consequences of not being GDPR compliant but this is a simple personal home page after all and I’m afraid it is all I can currently do to protect myself. I would otherwise need to do all sorts of things, like publishing a long water proof privacy policy, explain the purpose of all cookies, provide an opt out technology for them. I already registered and installed an SSL certificate to protect your personal data contained in comments and contact requests.

If you want to comment on one of the blog posts, you can use the site’s contact form. If you tell me that you want your comment to be public, I will consider adding it to the post in question.

Heute habe ich mich entschlossen, diese Website an die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung anzupassen. Keine Cookies, kein Google Analytics, keine Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten und keine Logdateien. Dies ist eine einfache persönliche Homepage und ich brauche das alles nicht wirklich.
Ich hoffe, dass die Website damit den Anforderungen der DSGVO entspricht, kann mir aber nicht sicher sein, ob mich das in unserer schönen regulierten Welt tatsächlich vor allem juristischen Fallstricken und Abmahnwellen schützen wird.
Ich fürchte, das ist alles, was ich derzeit tun kann, um mich zu schützen. Ich würde sonst viel Zeit investieren müssen, wie zum Beispiel in das Verfassen einer langen wasserdichten Datenschutzrichtlinie. Auch müsste ich den Zweck aller Cookies erklären, eine Opt-Out-Technologie dafür bereitstellen. Ein SSL-Zertifikat ist bereits installiert, um persönlichen Daten in Kommentaren und Kontaktanfragen zu schützen.

Wer einen der Blogposts kommentieren möchte, sollte also das Kontaktformular der Website verwenden. Der Kommentar kann dann gegebenenfalls zum betreffenden Beitrag hinzugefügt werden.

New Blog Design

Today I had to upgrade PHP on my hosting server. My terribly oudated and insecure WordPress version was incompatible with the new PHP and thus had to be upgraded, too. Lots of new features… maybe this is going to make me post more often  🙂

I also changed the blog’s design, giving it a nice contemporary template. Hope you like it.

Close button in iOS app?

dont quit programmaticallyApple is quite strict about their Human Interface Guidelines for iOS devices. Complying with these guidelines is not always easy though. Much of what Apple states in the guidelines is open to interpretation. It’s a guideline, after all. Lots of statements such as „in general…“, „if possible…“, „in most cases“.

Apple’s developer support avoids clear answers on questions about the guidelines. If your question is a tricky one, they will much rather refer back to the guideline or recommend you simply submit you app and give it a try. Continue reading

Color blindness and accessibility

Color Pencils

Bild von Monfocus auf Pixabay

In an effort to meet accessibility requirements, I was looking for tools to check whether users with a variety of color blindness conditions can actually use our websites. Posters and brochures can already be difficult to read for color blind people. On web sites another dimension is added to this problem because certain features may be rendered useless by choosing a bad color palette. Colored links for example, if not underlined, may not be seen as links because they appear to be of the same color as all other text. Continue reading

eMarketing Summit 2008

eyeforpharmaThis year’s eyeforpharma eMarketing conference took place in Zürich. Apart from Zürich being a wonderful place to be, the conference was well worth attending. It was particularly interesting to see how all of big pharma is getting prepared to cope with the challenges ahead, and what role eMarketing plays in the process. Continue reading

Website standards

PAS124In April 2008, the British Standards Institute has published PAS 124, a best practice approach to implementing, maintaining, and managing standards compliant websites. PAS 124 helps organizations deploy web site standards. So if you are involved with the planning or building of web sites, this document is a must read. Being one of my focus areas, website standards are part of my daily work. As a member of the review panel for PAS 124 I got my hands on the document very early, and I have been using it ever since. Continue reading