All posts by Webvet

Do you keep up with the change?

Since I have first dialed up to the Internet in late 1993 I consider myself an “early adopter”. There is one trend that existed ever since Web 1.0 was born: Today’s cool stuff will be tomorrow’s ordinary stuff.

Back in the late nineties it took years for a really cool web feature to reach its expiry date, mainly because Internet users expected less than today and because development cycles were much slower due to technology limitations. Having an Internet presence was cool enough. Today, new web sites and applications can be developed in very short time, and to please the demanding internet audience, a lot more features and frequent upgrades are required.

In order to keep up with this fast changing medium, online markters need to spend a lot of time researching online. Unfortunately I can not always make sufficient time available for reading blogs and email newsletters. Listening to podcasts on my way to work helps, but podcasting does not sufficiently cover all important areas of online marketing yet. I wish I had at least one hour just for research every day. Too many of my email newsletters are trashed without reading, and too many RSS feeds create no more than a headline that is never clicked. Pressing delete on interesting subject lines really hurts.

How much of your time do you spend researching online?

iPod Shuffle Manager

iPod Shuffle PlayerSome time ago I won an iPod Shuffle which I use as a backup device for playing podcasts. Because fast-forwarding is too slow, the Shuffle is not a good device for playing podcasts. But what really annoys me is the fact that you have no control over the files unless you use Apple’s massive iTunes music player. People who never had one won’t believe this, but you can’t just use a file manager like Explorer to copy or delete files on an iPod. Actually you can, but the Shuffle won’t recognize or play them. I found a tool to fix this problem! Continue reading

Disposable Email Addresses

10 Minute MailMy spam prevention strategy includes a great free service called Spam Gourmet which provides me with ‘disposable’ on-the-fly email addresses. If I do not trust the site that asks me to enter my email address, I just fill in an address like Spam Gourmet will then forward up to 5 emails to my secret private email address. On another site I would enter, and Spam Gourmet, who also owns the domain, would forward max. 2 emails. Using disposable email addresses, I can safely drop some bait for the harvesting robots here: Continue reading

Dampfsperre luftdicht am Mauerwerk anschließen

hiterputz-detail.jpgDie sogenannte Dampfsperre soll verhindern, dass die feuchte Raumluft in eine Isolierlage eindringt. Wenn nämlich dort der enthaltene Wasserdampf kondensiert, kann es zu Schimmelbildung im Isoliermaterial kommen. Eine weitere wichtige Funktion der Dampfsperr-Folie ist das Herstellen der Luftdichtheit. Dazu muss sie allerdings auch luftdicht an das Mauerwerk angeschlossen werden. In der Regel wird die Folie nach Anbringen an der Decke des Obergeschoss einfach rundherum abgeschnitten. Ein großer Fehler! Continue reading

“Ein Haus muss atmen können”

Undichtes HausWie oft habe ich das bei der Planung unseres Hauses von Handwerkern und anderen Bauprofis gehört. Mit Verlaub… das ist völliger Quatsch! Erstickt ein Haus, wenn es nicht atmet? Wahrscheinlich ist das Problem der Schimmelbildung gemeint. Logisch, wer die feuchte Raumluft nicht ausreichend abführt, der braucht tatsächlich ein „atmendes Haus“. Und weil der warme Atem 24 Stunden am Tag durch die undichte Hülle des Hauses verloren geht, muss entsprechen beheizt werden. Continue reading

Technology for eMarketing

I have always pointed out that an eMarketer needs to have a good understanding of the technologies involved. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that every eMarketer needs a strong technology background to properly do the job. But it certainly helps a lot. Actually I would not want to do my job without this knowledge. Just a few examples: Continue reading