Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG) is an open source PGP clone. It uses strong encryption to protect emails as well as files and folders. For encrypting drives, folders, and files I use a different piece of software (Truecrypt). GPG is my encryption tool for email. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: August 2008
Color blindness and accessibility
In an effort to meet accessibility requirements, I was looking for tools to check whether users with a variety of color blindness conditions can actually use our websites. Posters and brochures can already be difficult to read for color blind people. On web sites another dimension is added to this problem because certain features may be rendered useless by choosing a bad color palette. Colored links for example, if not underlined, may not be seen as links because they appear to be of the same color as all other text. Continue reading
Email Address Validation Tool
A regular expression for validating secure passwords
For one of our current projects I was looking for a way to validate strong passwords with regular expressions. Form field validation requirements are defined as a regex in the database properties for the field, so the easiest way to set up secure passwords was using this method. I found many examples for regular expressions but they all lacked one important feature. Continue reading